Children's Cancer Research Institute / CCRI
Zimmermannplatz 10
1090 Vienna, Austria
Website Boztug-Group
"Synaptoimmunology: are all the synapses the same?"
There is increasing evidence that the nervous and immune systems are intricately linked. Many proteins first identified in the immune system have since been found at synapses, playing different roles in normal and pathological situations. In addition, novel immunological functions are emerging for proteins typically expressed at synapses.
In my talk, I will review how our studies of rare inborn errors of immunity (IEIs) have led to the discovery of novel molecules and mechanisms linking neurological and immune synapses. I will describe the pathways and molecules involved in the pathology of several severe immune and neurological disorders and discuss our attempts to find cures for these disorders through pharmacological screening. Finally, I will discuss how this knowledge can be used to improve current and develop new treatment strategies.
Host: Michael FREISSMUTH
Contact for questions: Helmut KUBISTA