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24. February 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Medical University Vienna, Center for Physiology and Pharmacology,
Institute of Pharmacology, Währingerstrasse 13a, 1090 Vienna

Kleiner Hörsaal Physiologie (small lecture hall Physiology)

Junior Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Nagoya City University 
Graduate School of Medical Science
Mizuho-ku Nagoya 467-8601
Website Maki Tsujita


”Apolipoprotein A-I origin and the function of ABCA1 in mouse adult-neurogenesis at the hippocampal dentate gyrus”

ApoA-I and ABCA1 are the most effective components to generate HDL in the plasma. ApoA-I has been identified in the human CSF even though no generation is detected in neuronal cells or glial cells. We generated the apoA-I floxed mice and discovered liver- and intestinal- apoA-I are the origin of apoA-I in mouse CSF. To reveal the further function of HDL in the brain, adult-neurogenesis of ABCA1-null mice was examined. F-ara-EdU was injected peritoneally and after 28 days of breeding, newly generated mature neuronal cells were labeled by Alexa-488 using the Click Chemistry method. Positive cells at the granular zone and the sub-granular zone were counted. In wild-type mice, 1.6 cells per DG slice. On the other hand, 0.44 positive cells per DG slice (P=0.0001 vs control WT mice) were detected in Abca1-null mice. Interestingly, The WT mice which exposed to 0.4 T of magnetic field (for 2 h) showed 0.47 positive cells per DG slice (P = 0.003). These results suggest the disruption of HDL generation by deletion of ABCA1 and by magnetic field affects adult neurogenesis in mice.

Host: Thomas STOCKNER

Contact for questions: Helmut KUBISTA